
Top 25 English Idioms You Need to Learn Today

Posted in   English   on  October 2, 2017 by  Fluency Spot 0

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Top 25 English idioms you need to learn today

Here you can find the top 25 English idioms you need to learn today to impress native speakers. Incorporate these idioms in your daily speech and you will become more fluent in English. At the end of this article, there is an English idiom quiz where you can test how well you know these idioms.

LinguaMarina recently filmed a video about the top 25 English idioms, these aren’t the same idioms but it’s a really good video.

Learn more the most used English Idioms and their meaning

  1. Speak of the devil – when you talk about someone and then they appear.

I hope our boss doesn’t come today – oh, speak of the devil, here he comes.

  1. When pigs fly – a sarcastic saying used to imply that something is impossible or highly unlikely to happen.

-I’ll start learning idioms today.

-Knowing you, yeah… when pigs fly.

  1. To feel under the weather – to not feel good.

Yesterday I felt under the weather and skipped school.

  1. To cut corners – to take a shortcut.

He finished work so quickly, he must have cut some corners.

  1. To hit the nail on the head – to be exact about something, to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.

This list is exactly what I needed, you hit the nail on the head, thank you.

  1. Get out of hand – someone or something (usually a situation or circumstance) becomes out of control.

It was the last class and students got out of hand.

  1. Leave no stone unturned – to do everything possible for achieving the goal; to look everywhere.

He left no stone unturned and made his first million.

  1. Pull yourself together – to recollect yourself, to regain composure.

I failed to learn a new language the last time I tried, I’ve pulled myself together and will try again.

  1. Wrap your head around it – to be able to understand something.

I finally wrapped my head around derivations.

  1. Go cold turkey – to stop doing something suddenly without weening off of it.

He smoked cigarettes for 10 years and then quit cold turkey, which caused severe withdrawal.

  1. Be on the ball – be well-informed.

– Starry Night is the most popular picture of Van Gogh.

-Yeah? You are on the ball!

Top 25 English idioms you need to learn today

More English Idioms that you should learn

  1. Hang in there – words of encouragement during an undesirable situation. Be patient, things will be better.

– I need a vacation, I am sick of exams.

– Hang in there, it’s the last exam.

  1. Look like a million bucks – to look very good.

OMG, you look like a million bucks, this dress fits you perfectly.

  1. Beat around the bush – to avoid being straightforward, to avoid getting to the main point of a subject.

-Hey, you know… you’re a great person…

-Don’t beat around the bush, just say it.

-You can’t cook.

  1. Get the axe – to get fired or removed from something (a job, a team, a relationship, etc.).

I told my boss that he was wrong and I got the axe.

  1. Find your feet – to get used to a new situation or circumstance.

When I got to Japan it was hard finding my feet.

  1. Win-win situation – a situation where there is no negative outcome.

Let’s get this application. It’s a win-win situation, our customers will navigate easier and we’ll earn more.

  1. Let the chips fall where they may – let something happen despite the consequences.

I told the truth and now let the chips fall where they may.

  1. Sit on the fence – not taking a side, not making a clear choice between two possibilities.

Stop sitting on the fence, chose a side.

Did you know these English Idioms?

  1. Get the bugs out – to identify and fix the problem in a machine or system.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience, we just got the bugs out and now your connection should work perfectly.

  1. Ring a bell – to remember something or someone. Usually said when something sounds familiar to you.

Your face rings a bell but I can’t recall where I have seen you before.

  1. Cry wolf – to keep asking for help when you do not need it.

Stop crying wolf and do your homework yourself.

  1. On thin ice – in a dangerous situation or in a risky position.

I’m on thin ice but I’m going to invest in this company anyway.

  1. Shoot yourself in the foot – to do or say something that causes problems for you.

I told her my secret, I hope I didn’t shoot myself in the foot.

  1. Raise the bar– to raise the standards for other people to follow.

Shawn held the record for most books read in one week but Brandon raised the bar and read twice as many books as Shawn.

Top 25 English idioms you need to learn today

Practice English Idioms Online

Take the quiz and practice these English idioms. Have fun and share the results!

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Which idioms were new for you? Do you use these idioms every day? Let me know in the comments below!

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