Tips on Learning Spanish Vocabulary for Free

Tips on learning Spanish vocabulary for free - FluencySpot

Do you struggle to learn new Spanish vocabulary? Check out these tips on learning new words quickly. Spanish is one of the fastest-spreading languages in the world and is often listed as among the easiest for English speakers to learn. With this in mind, why aren’t there more people fluent in Spanish? Well, here are some tips on learning Spanish vocabulary fast and for free.

Read out loud

Your Spanish vocabulary can be improved by reading out loud. You will get all of the benefits of reading, plus you’ll get really good pronunciation practice. In fact, as a beginner, you should read aloud as much as possible.

Tips on learning Spanish vocabulary for free

FŃ–nd a partner

Try to find a native speaker who can be your conversation partner. This can be your greatest asset and perhaps you can also provide assistance to your partner in your native language.

I recommended these sites so many times, and here they are again:


My Language Exchange


Easy Language Exchange

Be patient

Progress in language learning does not follow a straight-line graph. You cannot expect to make the same amount of progress, day after day, week after week. You may find yourself struggling at times or seeming to make no progress. Don’t let this discourage you. It’s normal to reach plateaus in your learning progress. If you find yourself ‘stuck,’ try spending time going back and reviewing things that you already know well. Often this will help prepare you to break through to the next level.

Label your surroundings

Make labels for things all over your house. For example: la pared (wall), la puerta (door), el escritorio (desk), etc. Remove the labels only after you have mastered the vocabulary.

Be consistent

To really learn a language takes time and commitment. Consistency is by far the most important factor. If you can devote a solid twenty minutes a day, nearly every day, you will be far more successful than if you ‘cram’ for an hour or two, but only sporadically. Check out our Spanish Vocabulary Exercises and practice them daily.

Work on developing an “ear” for Spanish

Remember that language is first and foremost oral communication. A written alphabet is merely a collection of symbols used to represent the sounds of the language, and cannot be expected to capture every nuance of sound and intonation. Try to develop a ‘good ear’ for Spanish. An easy and fun way to do this is by listening to Spanish music, watching Spanish movies, or watching Spanish TV.

Do you have any problems finding great websites for watching your favorite TV show in Spanish? I hope these websites will help with that:

Mitele – watch Spanish TV here.



People en Espanol

Learn Spanish with Extra-a show in Spanish that helps to learn the basics.

You can listen to books on Audible*, don’t hesitate to try it, you have a 30-day free trial.

For those who are into podcasts the following sites will be useful:

Podcasts in Spanish


Notes in Spanish

Talk to yourself

When learning a foreign language, it’s common for listening skills to develop more rapidly than speaking skills. That leaves the learner in the unfortunate situation of being able to understand but unable to respond. A good way to surmount this problem is to talk to yourself as much as possible. Since there is no one else around, you won’t be weighed down by the inhibition that so frequently burdens the beginning language student. You can also use our free AI chat to practice anywhere & anytime.

Practice Any Language Online

Use flashcards

One of the best tips we can give you is to make and use flashcards. Make cards that are small enough to easily carry with you. Write in English on one side and in Spanish on the other. Be sure to always have some cards with you. This way, you can capture ‘wasted’ time (standing in line, riding the bus, waiting for class to start, etc.) and turn it into productive study time. Even if you only have a couple of minutes, you can use it to study a few flashcards.

For those who prefer apps, we can recommend these:





Practice speaking

The only way to learn to speak a language is by actually SPEAKING. You can study for years, and master all of the grammar rules, but unless you actually practice speaking, you will never speak well. When you are practicing speaking, remember to do it out loud, at normal conversational volume. A lot of language learning influencers will tell you to start talking from the first day. I totally agree. It seems impossible, but it works. Start making the simplest sentences you can and as your Spanish vocabulary progresses make them more complicated. You can start practicing now, online and for free with our AI chat that will teach you Spanish.

Speak Spanish in 30 Days

Finally, don’t expect to be perfect

Can you remember when you learned to ride a bicycle? Did you ride perfectly from the first time you sat on the seat? When learning a new language, expect that you will make mistakes, and don’t be embarrassed by them!

As you can see, to learn Spanish fast requires some dedication, but it’s possible!

Do you need more tips on how to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check out How to learn new vocabulary words.

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