Learn the essential Spanish vocabulary for secretary and personal assistants. In the dynamic world of administrative support, mastering the language is as crucial as understanding the task at hand. For secretaries and personal assistants, especially those working in Spanish-speaking environments or with Spanish-speaking clients, having a robust vocabulary is a key to efficiency and effectiveness. This post will guide you through 100 essential Spanish vocabulary words, integrating them into a practical context to help you navigate your day-to-day administrative responsibilities with ease.
1. The Foundation of Daily Tasks
Every secretario (secretary) or asistente (assistant) starts their day by checking the agenda (agenda). This is not just a list of citas (appointments); it’s the blueprint of your day. Be it scheduling a reunión (meeting) or setting reminders for a llamada telefónica (phone call), these terms are the bread and butter of your routine. Handling correo electrónico (email) is another vital task, requiring you to sift through, respond, and organize countless messages.
2. Managing Documentation
Your role will often involve preparing and managing various types of documentos (documents). From informes (reports) to archivos (files), staying organized is key. You’ll be handling carpetas (folders) both physical and digital, ensuring that every documento is easily accessible. Familiarity with office equipment like a computadora (computer), impresora (printer), fotocopiadora (photocopier), and escáner (scanner) is essential in the digitization and physical archiving of documents.

3. Technology at Your Fingertips
In today’s tech-driven world, proficiency in handling various digital tools is indispensable. Whether it’s troubleshooting a computadora or managing data on the Internet, these skills are non-negotiable. Updating the company’s sitio web (website) or managing redes sociales (social media) might also fall under your purview.
4. Time and Task Management – Spanish Vocabulary for Secretary
One of the core responsibilities of an assistant is managing time and tasks efficiently. This involves keeping an up-to-date calendario (calendar) with all important fechas (dates), horas (times), minutos (minutes), and even segundos (seconds) accounted for. Your horario (schedule) should reflect all tareas (tasks) and proyectos (projects) with their respective plazos (deadlines). The urgency of tasks varies, so understanding the difference between urgente (urgent) and importante (important) is crucial.
5. Communication Skills
Effective communication is the cornerstone of a secretary or assistant’s role. It involves sending mensajes (messages) and notas (notes), setting recordatorios (reminders), and making lists. Skills in organizar (organizing), planear (planning), and preparar (preparing) are vital. Whether you are escribiendo (writing) an email, leyendo (reading) a report, enviando (sending) a fax, recibiendo (receiving) a package, or llamando (calling) a client, clarity and precision in communication are key.
6. The Art of Negotiation and Coordination
A proficient assistant must be adept at negotiation and coordination. This may involve discutir (discussing) terms of a contrato (contract), acordar (agreeing) on meeting times, or handling a desacuerdo (disagreement) diplomatically. Revisar (reviewing), editar (editing), copiar (copying), pegar (pasting), imprimir (printing), and escanear (scanning) are routine tasks that require attention to detail.

7. Network and Client Interaction
Your role might also entail interacting with a wide network of professionals. This includes clientes (clients), your jefe (boss), and colegas (colleagues). You might find yourself organizing a conferencia (conference), a seminario (seminar), or making arrangements for a viaje de negocios (business trip). This involves making reservas (reservations) for hoteles (hotels), vuelos (flights), and managing the itinerario (itinerary).
8. Financial Management
Managing finances, whether it’s handling gastos (expenses), sticking to a presupuesto (budget), processing facturas (invoices), or issuing recibos (receipts), is another essential skill. Ensuring timely pagos (payments) and discussing salarios (salaries) are also part of your role.
9. Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
Understanding the política (policy) of your workplace, adhering to procedimientos (procedures), complying with regulaciones (regulations), respecting the ley (law), upholding everyone’s derecho (rights), and fulfilling your obligación (obligation) are critical to maintaining a professional and ethical work environment.
Here’s the Full List of Spanish Vocabulary for Secretary and Personal Assistants
Spanish Word | English Translation |
Oficina | Office |
Secretario/a | Secretary |
Asistente | Assistant |
Reunión | Meeting |
Agenda | Agenda |
Citas | Appointments |
Llamada telefónica | Phone call |
Correo electrónico | |
Documento | Document |
Informe | Report |
Archivo | File |
Carpeta | Folder |
Computadora | Computer |
Impresora | Printer |
Fotocopiadora | Photocopier |
Escáner | Scanner |
Fax | Fax |
Internet | Internet |
Sitio web | Website |
Redes sociales | Social media |
Calendario | Calendar |
Fecha | Date |
Hora | Time |
Minuto | Minute |
Segundo | Second |
Horario | Schedule |
Tarea | Task |
Proyecto | Project |
Plazo | Deadline |
Urgente | Urgent |
Importante | Important |
Mensaje | Message |
Nota | Note |
Recordatorio | Reminder |
Lista | List |
Organizar | To organize |
Planear | To plan |
Preparar | To prepare |
Escribir | To write |
Leer | To read |
Enviar | To send |
Recibir | To receive |
Llamar | To call |
Contestar | To answer |
Hablar | To speak |
Escuchar | To listen |
Preguntar | To ask |
Responder | To respond |
Discutir | To discuss |
Acordar | To agree |
Desacuerdo | Disagreement |
Revisar | To review |
Editar | To edit |
Copiar | To copy |
Pegar | To paste |
Imprimir | To print |
Escanear | To scan |
Faxear | To fax |
Navegar | To browse |
Buscar | To search |
Encontrar | To find |
Perder | To lose |
Olvidar | To forget |
Recordar | To remember |
Cancelar | To cancel |
Posponer | To postpone |
Reagendar | To reschedule |
Confirmar | To confirm |
Coordinar | To coordinate |
Cliente | Client |
Jefe | Boss |
Colega | Colleague |
Reunión | Meeting |
Conferencia | Conference |
Seminario | Seminar |
Presentación | Presentation |
Conferencia telefónica | Conference call |
Videoconferencia | Video conference |
Viaje de negocios | Business trip |
Reserva | Reservation |
Hotel | Hotel |
Vuelo | Flight |
Itinerario | Itinerary |
Transporte | Transportation |
Gastos | Expenses |
Presupuesto | Budget |
Factura | Invoice |
Recibo | Receipt |
Pago | Payment |
Salario | Salary |
Contrato | Contract |
Negociación | Negotiation |
Propuesta | Proposal |
Acuerdo | Agreement |
Política | Policy |
Procedimiento | Procedure |
Regulación | Regulation |
Ley | Law |
Derecho | Right |
Obligación | Obligation |
Practice These 100 Spanish Vocabulary for Secretary
Next Steps
The role of a secretary or personal assistant is multi-faceted and demanding. Mastery of these 100 essential Spanish vocabulary words will not only enhance your communication but also elevate your efficiency and effectiveness in this dynamic role. Remember, the key to success in this profession lies in your ability to adapt, learn, and apply these terms in your daily tasks and interactions. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)