
7-Day Language Challenge




Language Tips & Tricks

9 Lessons

0% Not started

The Different Types of Urgency Campaigns You Can Create
By Fluency Spot
About 7-Day Language Challenge

Simple and Easy

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Hi, welcome to the 7-Day Language Challenge!


7 Lessons

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it ...

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Are you ready to learn some grammar?

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it

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Do you feel more confident speaking in a foreign language? Today is Listening day!

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Speaking day. Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

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Today's mission, should you choose to accept it...

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Today is the last day of this mini-challenge.

Next Steps

1 Lesson

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How did you like the challenge? Will you take it again? What do you think about it, what would you change?

About the Teacher

Fluency Spot

FluencySpot. All things Language In One Spot. From free resources to premium courses, master any language online, FAST!

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